12 Zodiac Flower Essence Kit + Living by the Moon Calendar 2022 - Ancient way of healing your entire body during each moon outlet cycle
12 unique Black Hills Flower Essence blends are in accordance with the physical and emotional qualities the Zodiac signs indicated in conjunction with their influence during the 28 day moon cycles (not your sun sign at birth). These essence blends have been created to assist, enhance, favor, heal and empower the entire human body throughout the 28 day moon cycle. Included are essence blends created for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces.
Included in this package is outlet also the currently available 2022 (annual) "Living By The Moon - Ancient Celtic Almanac Calendar" - 120 page pocket size Calendar, which explains among many other things, the influences of the moon and day qualities associated with the zodiac signs as they appear behind the moon in its 28 day cycles. Current Wall and Pocket Calendars also listed separately.
Black Hills Flower Essences very gently and effectively harmonize the energetic levels of our sub-conscious mind, easing irritating and painful symptoms and diseases in our physical body as well as our emotions and mind when we are not in harmony with our soul's chosen path for this journey.
They can be taken with respect to the body parts each sign influences as well as on the days during the lunar calendar that are governed by the sign. This way you will invigorate every inch of your body throughout each 28 day moon cycle.
The basic rules is: Anything that is done for the benefit of those parts of the body or organs governed by the sign through which the moon is currently passing is double useful and beneficial. Anything that strains those parts or organs is double harmful.
Exceptions are surgeries, which should not be scheduled for the body parts which are governed by the associated Zodiac sign on that day or just before or after that day.
Note: Flower Essences are not essential oils and do not have a fragrance. Flower Essences start the healing process on the emotional level while essential oils start on the sensory level. Both effect all physical and non-physical bodies in a positive and healing way. The testing of the over 80 BH flower essences is done with a pendulum accessing my higher consciousness, the same energy that is tapped into during my intuitive Tarot readings.
Wall and Pocket calendars can be purchased separately as well.
Information about myself, Black hills Flower essences and the almanac wisdom in the "Living by the Moon" calendars can be found in my YouTube channel Isa Kirk :
Intro Isa Kirk: https://youtu.be/ZEpJ2FBbS28
Intro BHFE: Part 1: https://youtu.be/UMeUzRd-6ls Part 2: https://youtu.be/lME9GkdezE4
Intro Almanac calendars: https://youtu.be/I34rxnzjmqg
and more;
Join me for my weekly live video chat on FB every Sunday at m MT - brief summery for the coming week.
12 x 1/2 oz. dropper bottles
in a homeopathic, alkaline water base
NO alcohol, no preservatives
Suitable for people, animals and plants
Take 2-4 drops once a day in the morning.
Current "Living by the Moon" Calendar, 120 page pocket version for every day use.
I am happy to answer any questions you might have.