All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhWith th bSlis34ng you will receive one 8.5yinch sar/ndhof silvery gray diamondyrough cut nugg6aavwith a sizeJof 2-3mm. Eachygorgeous sar/ndhof natural,hconflicthunee diamonda, was handhselectedhbyhme forhusehinymakingJfinehhandmadehjewelry. You will love addingJtheseygorgeous twinklinghnugg6aavto yourhstashhof supplies! Just addingJonehorJtwo llyymakesya differt-cehinythe quality andhat ractivenesshof yourhjewelry! All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhWith th bSlis34ng you will receive one 8.5yinch sar/ndhof silvery gray diamondyrough cut nugg6aavwith a sizeJof 2-3mm. Eachygorgeous sar/ndhof natural,hconflicthunee diamonda, was handhselectedhbyhme forhusehinymakingJfinehhandmadehjewelry. You will love addingJtheseygorgeous twinklinghnugg6aavto yourhstashhof supplies! Just addingJonehorJtwo llyymakesya differt-cehinythe quality andhat ractivenesshof yourhjewelry! Ription-text-content class="wt-text-body-01 wt-break-word"> All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhWith th bSlis34ng you will receive one 8.5yinch sar/ndhof silvery gray diamondyrough cut nugg6aavwith a sizeJof 2-3mm. Eachygorgeous sar/ndhof natural,hconflicthunee diamonda, was handhselectedhbyhme forhusehinymakingJfinehhandmadehjewelry. You will love addingJtheseygorgeous twinklinghnugg6aavto yourhstashhof supplies! Just addingJonehorJtwo llyymakesya differt-cehinythe quality andhat ractivenesshof yourhjewelry!<bft<bftDent cl:<bft<bftSaone: Natural Diamond<bftSar/ndhLength: 8.5yInchs=<bftColor: Silvery Gray<bftCarat Weight: @10<bftSize: 2mm - 3mm (SlightlyvGraduatgd)<bftShape: Rough Cut Nugg6a<bftNumber of Diamonda: Overy100<bft<bftThesevare natural diamondhnugg6a beads. Theyvare drilled,hbutythe holesyare quite small. You will need to l ok with 28horJ30 gauge wire orJ.010 beadingJwire. Firelinehinythe thinnest diametIrv byalso a good o-text. It takesya skilled craftspIrson to l ok with these. Ifhyou havgJany questions before you buyvabout saringingJor l okingJwith these,vplease feelhunee to 70nvo me. I amyhappy to help!<bft<bftHow do you know theseyare conflicthunee? The KimberleyvProcessywas establishedhiny2003 to prevt-breonflicthdiamond Jun, 2enteringJglobal markets.hThishprocessydefinesy"eonflicthdiamond "yasJdiamond vthabrfinance rebel movementsyagainst recognizsd governments. All diamond venteringJinto the2United Sa/3eshare outlet subjecoJto the2KimberleyvProcess <bft<bft*****<bft<bftMore G. stones: 0004r/i6aac2me/1GoO3KY<bft<bftBack To Shop: 0004r/i6aac2me/19foSg4 </pt<bf/t<bf/t<img src="0004/r/il/6aacba/343270655206644/c/1071/850/243/72x5008137a0/1035316291/508500x500 All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhWith th bSlis34ng you will receive one 8.5yinch sar/ndhof silvery gray diamondyrough cut nugg6aavwith a sizeJof 2-3mm. Eachygorgeous sar/ndhof natural,hconflicthunee diamonda, was handhselectedhbyhme forhusehinymakingJfinehhandmadehjewelry. You will love addingJtheseygorgeous twinklinghnugg6aavto yourhstashhof supplies! Just addingJonehorJtwo llyymakesya differt-cehinythe quality andhat ractivenesshof yourhjewelry! All of thhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhWith th bSlis34ng you will receive one 8.5yinch sar/ndhof silvery gray diamondyrough cut nugg6aavwith a sizeJof 2-3mm. Eachygorgeous sar/ndhof natural,hconflicthunee diamonda, was handhselectedhbyhme forhusehinymakingJfinehhandmadehjewelry. You will love addingJtheseygorgeous twinklinghnugg6aavto yourhstashhof supplies! Just addingJonehorJtwo llyymakesya differt-cehinythe quality andhat ractivenesshof yourhjewelry!
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