I've never found a more perfect vessel for a djinn than these authentic Middle Eastern glass bottles! I can't stop looking at them! A real genie in a bottle!
Available in two sizes:
2" and 4"
Each purchase is for ONE Shaitan djinn bound to ONE glass bottle of randomly selected style and color. Male and female djinns are available. If you have a preference, please specify at checkout.
Shaitan djinn are ancient, powerful entities that predate Islam. There is record of their presence in Arabia as far back as man has kept records. One of the most sought after djinn classes, they serve outlet as guides and protectors, and have been credited with saving many explorers who found themselves lost in the desert. They are capable of overpowering and manipulating other djinn and spirits at the request of their keeper, and it's earned them the nickname "manager" among spirit keepers. To put it simply - they get things done.
وغامضة مثل وعاء ل قوية جدا السامية مارد الجن الرمال . الجن مارد أحرار الإرادة وقوية جدا . المعروف في كثير من الأحيان لمساعدة الملوك والملكات ، و مارد الجن هي من بين أقوى في وجود و تقريبا هي دائما نشطة للغاية .
Shaitan djinn are very powerful, but do not possess the fiercely loyal qualities of other djinn classes. Great care must be exercised to ensure they're not stolen or lost. They are very desirable and are often targets of theft.
This Shatain class djinn was conjured from within the sands of Saudi Arabia by Haazim Shariff of Najran. This djinn has been certified Class C meaning it is very powerful and recommended for experienced keepers.
داخل رمال المملكة العربية السعودية و ملزمة ل هذه السفينة الجميلة التي كتبها حازم شريف نجران . وقد تم اعتماد هذا الجن الفئة (أ) وهذا يعني أنها حريصة جدا على الرجاء، لديه الحد الأدنى من الاحتياجات، و شيء عظيم بالنسبة مبتدئا أو حارس روح محنك .
Each bottle is handmade and unique. They can be filled with anointing oil, perfume, or anything else you desire without any effect on the djinn it contains. Class C spirit.
CLASS A spirits are the easiest to care for and bond to. They are generally very friendly and eager to please. They are free willed but prefer to have a guardian. Great for beginners.
CLASS B spirits are mostly friendly and usually active. Some are a little more shy than others and can sometimes act rebelliously. In rare cases, class B spirits can become unruly in the hands of inexperienced keepers.
CLASS C spirits have a tendency to be more free willed and act out if they feel neglected. Sometimes thought of as "needy", they are likely to be mischievous when they do not receive attention and care at the level they require. Quite powerful, they are not recommended for beginners.
CLASS D spirits are among the most powerful in all of existence. These are rare and can be dangerous if left in the care of an inexperienced keeper. Though their power can be wielded as a supreme tool in their guardian's hands, it can be too much for even some experienced keepers. Only expert level keepers may handle class D spirits.
I am very happy that your life's path has led you to me. I am Lady Dee, a spellcaster, clairvoyant, spiritual advisor, wife, and mother. I aim to aid those that seek my help not only as a professional, but as a friend.
White Fox Coven was founded by Lady Marilyn Davila over 30 years ago, and while she has passed on to the other side, I strive to continue the tradition of quality spiritual aid at a fair price. I hope that we are able to make a difference in your life and help with whatever life throws your way.
We are required by law to state that all services are for entertainment purposes only and all enchanted items are sold as curio.
Product code: Shaitan Arabian outlet Djinn Bottle - Guide and Aide - Powerful Companion