22x Monsters:
3x Jinzo the Machine Menace (ultra rare)
3x Jinzo (can be from any set)
3x outlet Jinzo - Jector (1 super rare, 2 commons)
3x Summoner Monk
1x Psychic Megacyber (rare)
2x Psychic Bounder (super rare)
2x Jinzo - Returner
1x Jinzo - Lord
1x Armageddon Knight
1x Plaguespreader Zombie (super rare)
1x Majesty's Fiend (ultra rare)
1x Vanity's Fiend (ultra rare)
15x Spells:
3x Law of the Cosmos (super rare)
3x Cyber Energy Shock (rare)
3x Psychic Wave (ultra rare)
3x The Monarchs Stormforth (1 super rare, 2 commons)
1x Mind Control (ultra rare)
1x Monster Reborn
1x Foolish Burial
3x Traps:
3x Call of the Haunted
15x Extra Deck:
1x Jinzo - Layered (secret rare)
2x Dhampir Vampire Sheridan
1x Constellar Ptolemy M7 (rare)
1x Dragonlark Pairen
1x Beatrice, Lady of the Eternal (premium gold rare)
1x Decode Talker (ultra rare)
1x Number 101: Silent Honor ARK (rare)
1x Number 66: Master Key Beetle
1x Tornado Dragon
2x Underclock Taker
1x Stardust Dragon (rare)
1x Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier (ultra rare)
1x Black Rose Dragon
Product code: Yugioh outlet Jinzo 2022 Deck -Layered Machine Menace Psychic Bounder - Majesty's Fiend