Vintage Sleeping Beauty Turquoise ~ Black Tourmaline Bracelet ~ Gold Genuine Untreated Therapeutic Quality Gemstone Energy Bracelet outlet 4mm
Sleeping Beauty Turquoise ~ Black Tourmaline ~ Gold Genuine Untreated Therapeutic Quality Gemstone Energy Bracelet
4mm stretch bracelet 6 3/4, 7 1/4", please specify at checkout
14k gold beads, recycled stretch cord
Combination pieces available, please message me
Turquoise ~Promotes spiritual attunement and enhances communication with the physical and spiritual wolds. A purification stone, it dispels negative energy and clears electromagnetic smog providing protection against pollutants in the environment. Balances and aligns all the chakras with the subtle bodies and attunes the physical level to the spiritual,uniting earth and sky bringing together the male and female energies, stimulating romantic love. A promoter of self-realization, it assist creative problem-solving, instilling calm while remaining alert. Excellent stone for exhaustion, depression or panic attracts. Strengthens the meridians of the body and the subtle energy fields, enhances the physical immune systems and regenerates tissue, supports the assimilation of nutrients, alleviates pollution and viral infections, especially the eyes, reduces excess acidity and benefits gout, rheumatism and the stomach, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying.
Black Tourmaline ~ Cleanses , purifies and transforms dense energy into a lighter vibration. It grounds spiritual energy, clears the aura and balances all the chakras, forms a protective shield around the body. A powerful mental healer, balancing the right and left hemispheres of the brain and transmuting negative thought patterns into positive ones. Aids in understanding oneself and others, taking you deep into yourself, promoting self-confidence and diminishing fear. It banishes any feeling of being a victim and attracts inspiration, compassion, tolerance and prosperity. Protects against cell phones, electromagnetic smog, radiation, psychic attack, spells, ill wishing and negative energy's of all kinds. Connecting with the base chakra it grounds energy and increases physical vitality, dispersing tension and stress. Brings the mental processes, the chakras and the bio-magnetic sheath into alignment. Helpful in treating paranoia and for overcoming dyslexia, as it improves hand to eye coordination and the assimilation and translation of coded information. Black Tourmaline defends against debilitating disease, strengthens the immune system, treats dyslexia and arthritis, provides pain relief and realigns the outlet spinal column.