Blush Pink Dusty Rose Wedding Bouquet, Artificial Wedding Bouquet, Bouquet, outlet Silk Bouquet
Approximately 14 inches across
Need more than one bouquet? Have a specific color palette or a ribbon change?Contact us to create a custom listing!
Custom offerings:
-Bridal Bouquets
-Bridesmaid Bouquets
-Floral Wrist Cuffs
-Floral Crowns
-Floral Swags
-Customized Keepsake Shadow Boxes
- Event Rental items in the Dallas/Fort Worth Texas area with delivery
-Custom packages combining the above offerings
Please send us a message through the "request a custom order" button. Provide the following information:
- Wedding date
- Color pallet that you would prefer
-Additional details that you would like for your custom creation
-Quantity of item needed (number of bridesmaid outlet bouquets,corsages, etc)
We will message you back to and ensure that we create something truly extra special for you!
Looking for a rush order? Send us a custom order request with wedding date and we will see how we can help.
To ensure entire satisfaction of our customer, we also send pictures of the custom bouquet and other items during progress. This way, changes can be made if needed.